Asaf Elboher, Edison Cinema, 2007
Inkjet print
47.25 x 31 inches
80 x 120 cm
Edition of 5

Asaf Elboher, Pri Hadash 7, 2008
Inkjet Print
15.75 x 23.62 inches
40 x 60 cm
Edition of 5

Dafna Grossman, Untitled, 2008
Inkjet print
6.69 x 6.69 inches
17 x 17 cm
Edition of 5

Dafna Grossman, Untitled, 2008
Inkjet print
6.69 x 6.69 inches
17 x 17 cm
Edition of 5

Dafna Grossman, Untitled, 2008
Inkjet print
18.5 x 18.5 inches
47 x 47 cm
Edition of 5

Dan Galssar, Kiriyat Malakhi:"Greenhouse-City", 2007
Inkjet print
15.75 x 23.62 inches
40 x 60 cm
Edition of 5

Dan Galssar, Monolith, 2007
Inkjet print
15.75 x 23.62 inches
40 x 60 cm
Edition of 5

Guy Yitzhaki, Additions #43, 2009
Inkjet print
15.75 x 19.69 inches
40 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

Guy Yitzhaki, Additions #25, 2009
Inkjet print
15.75 x 19.69 inches
40 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

Guy Yitzhaki, Additions #19, 2009
Inkjet print
15.75 x 19.69 inches
40 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

Guy Yitzhaki, Additions #23, 2009
Inkjet print
15.75 x 19.69 inches
40 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

Nadia Shuvalov, Backyards, 2013
Inkjet print
19.69 x 27.56 inches
50 x 70 inches
Edition of 5

Nadia Shuvalov, Backyards, 2013
Inkjet print
19.69 x 27.56 inches
50 x 70 inches
Edition of 5

Or Tesema Avraham, Memory from the Past Self-Portrait, 2009
Inkjet print
31.5 x 25.59 inches / 80 x 65 cm
Edition of 5

The Naggar School, Charlie Biton, from the project "The Black Panthers, Musrara", 1997
Inkjet print
27.56 x 19.69 inches / 70 x 59 cm
Edition of 5

The Naggar School, Koko Deri, from the project "The Black Panthers, Musrara", 1997
Inkjet print
27.56 x 19.69 inches / 70 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

The Naggar School, Kokhavi Shemesh, from the project "The Black Panthers, Musrara", 1997
Inkjet print
27.56 x 19.69 inches / 70 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

The Naggar School, Reuven Abergel, from the project "The Black Panthers, Musrara", 1997
Inkjet print
27.56 x 19.69 inches / 70 x 50 cm
Edition of 5

Tamar Tzohar, Untitled, 2010
Inkjet print
11.81 x 14.17 inches
30 x 36 cm
Edition of 5

Tamar Tzohar, Chen&Emunatia, 2010
Inkjet print
13.78 x 17.72 inches
35 x 45 cm
Edition of 5

Yael Brandt Occupied, 2010
40 minutes
Edition of 5

Snir Kazir, Untitled, 2010
Inkjet print
19.69 x 27.56 inches
50 x 70 cm
Edition of 5

Snir Kazir, Untitled, 2010
Inkjet print
19.69 x 27.56 inches
50 x 70 cm
Edition of 5

The Naggar School, Black Cat, 2011
Classic animation
2.41 minutes
Edition of 30

Hagar Avida, HACHSAN, 2013
15.25 minutes
Edition of 5

Jan Tichy, Alon Lifshitz Cohen & Haleli Mazor, Bab el Musrara, 2002
4.51 minutes
Edition of 5

Nevet Yitzhak, A Matter of Black & White, 2013
Video installation
8 minute loop
Edition of 5

Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, August 06', 2006
Inkjet print
31.5 x 31.5 inches
80 x 80 cm
Edition of 5

Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, August 06', 2006
Inkjet print
31.5 x 31.5 inches
80 x 80 cm
Edition of 5

Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, August 06', 2006
Inkjet print
31.5 x 31.5 inches
80 x 80 cm
Edition of 5

Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, Untitled (Jerusalem), 2011
Inkjet print
38.58 x 47.24 inches
98 x 120 cm
Edition of 5